Albert Einstein already spoke of the fact that time is an illusion. And in the first issue of the magazine “Bild der Wissenschaft” in 2008 scientific evidence was presented that condenses this idea. For example, the General Theory of Relativity (GTR) allows solutions that describe rotating universes as time machines, in which one can travel to his own past on suitable tracks. The famous Austrian-American mathematician and logician Kurt Goedel has found such solutions. It is also theoretically possible, that two people who meet at extremely different speeds can live in different times. The one person can come from a time when the union of certain galaxies is being discussed. The other person can come from a time when the union has already taken place in a practical sense. These oddities led Kurt Goedel to conclude that time is an illusion. Or, in the new times one already speaks of the fact that the 4-dimensional reality is a block universe that does not develop but that is there as a whole (see also double-gap experiment as a mini-block universe).

A closer look at matter and time.
First. Electrons and light quanta have both corpuscle and wave properties. In physics this is called the duality of the particles. However – and this is the crucial finding – we cannot determine both properties at the same time. This depends solely on the experimental setup. We have a similar problem if we want to determine the location and impuls of such a particle. We can either determine its location, but not its impulse. Or we can determine its impulse, but not its location where it had this impulse. If we determine one quality or property, the complementary quality or property is smeared. In both cases, however, we both need complementary (complementary) quantities or properties in order to really be able to describe these particles in their entirety.
While we find one half of this ‘wholeness’ at a given point in time, the other half is either in the past or in the future. And so the determination of both halves extends over a certain period of time due to the time separation. This period of time may be sufficiently short for one or the other physicist, but it is precisely this tiny little time separation that can decide between reality and illusion. Because only the real momentary state of the NOW, which is a moment without time extension, can be the most current state (= most real state) at all. According to quantum physics, this NOW -state cannot really be defined anywhere, because in NOW the entirety of a physical quantity cannot really be determined.
What we find is beside this not an instantaneous state, but the change in microcosmic particles. As soon as you want to check their actual value (energy) – the current reality – such particles have long since disappeared. If we want to take a closer look at the building blocks in order to be able to grasp (understand) them, we find that only half of them (half reality) can actually be determined. The other half is smeared and slips out of our hands, which is somehow to be expected from illusions.
Now if we come back to Stephen W. Hawking’s thought that we cannot really say whether the material world is a real world or an imaginary one, we can hardly refuse the idea that we are dealing here with illusions. Illusions must be ascertainable, but they must not show themselves in such a way that we can say that they can really be ascertained in their entirety. In other words: Illusions can be present energetically, but must not have a current, and certainly not constant, and precisely definable substance. Illusions can also appear as if they were real without actually being. They have to give the impression of being real without actually being. Otherwise we would not need such a term. The partial blurriness of the building blocks is therefore a strong indication of an illusion. Or are our building blocks of matter not ideally fulfilling the function of illusions?
Second. Matter obviously fakes a reality that it does not have. There is a lot of non-material space between the atoms and the subatomic particles. Depending on how long we are dealing with the determination or perception, matter appears differently. For example, X-ray crystallography gives the impression that the atoms are always in the same place and are rigid. With such measurement methods, we are dealing with periods of time that are carried out over thousands and thousands of atomic vibrations. What we measure, is the midpoint of the vibration. Quantum physics, in turn, tells us that the individual particles of an atom have a different probability of being her or there. These particles can be anywhere in the universe at a given time. But mostly they can be found in the atoms to which they belong. Mind you, this only applies to time spans that span countless Planck times. The so-called Planck time is about 10 ^ -43 seconds short.
If we made the observation / determination period shorter than the Planck time, we would no longer be able to make a statement about the nature of the atomic and subatomic particles. We cannot say where they are with which energy because we could no longer determine them. Matter would be dissolved within the Planck period.
However, the most current state is the unexpanded moment and thus a state far below the Planck time. It is precisely this unexpanded moment that does not permit determination or definition. This means that a description of the reality is not possible at all.
Matter as matter can only appear if we extend the time span of observation or determination over countless Planck times, i.e. if we link countless present moments during observation. Something similar happens when watching TV. The television picture consists of about half a million pixels, which light up on the screen one after the other and pass through this line by line. If the human eye could follow the course of time precisely, it would notice how a pixel moves through the screen line by line and starts moving again and again at the same point on the edge of the screen. The screen shows only one illuminated spot at any moment, which changes in color and intensity depending on the composition of the picture. Mind you, these are only the three primary colors, and depending on the color sequence and networking in the brain, which extends over a few fractions of a second, we perceive a multicolored image. The television sends 25 pictures within one second. This means that within a second the dot has traveled the screen 25 times. The sluggishness of the human visual system makes it impossible for us to see the individual pixels and the individual images. Instead, we see an un-dotted and changing picture. The brain has to process more than 10 million pixels per second – that is, network it. A second can seem like a single moment. However, this moment is extended. After all, it contains more than 10 million individual moments with respect to the television pixels, which come in succession. How small is the smallest moment? It is infinitely small. And this is exactly where we come across the problem mentioned above because we then come far below the Planck time of 10 ^ -43 seconds. In an infinitely small moment, both the body and everything around it would be dissolved (exploded into infinity).
The pixel of the television is the only real thing at any moment, although it is only in different places because of its wandering. It is only by networking these individual moments that we see an image that is, so to speak, an artificial creation (artificial projection). So it is with matter. Through the networking of countless individual moments that is carried out by our spirit, this is an artificial creation. As is discussed in the brane model of physics, it is a projection, and thus also an artificially created image.
Thirdly. We know of matter that it arose quasi out of nothing and presumably disappears into nothing. At this point the question is still open as to which form of energy or type of energy the matter had before or will have afterwards. From a materialistic point of view, there was nothing before and then nothing will be afterwards. From this point of view it is justified that matter and antimatter together add up to zero energy. Matter and antimatter can emerge from nowhere due to so-called energy fluctuations and disappear again, to put it simply. We should really be surprised that the ‘nothing’ can suddenly produce energy in the form of matter on the one hand and antimatter on the other. I find it better to think that energy has always been there and can only be transformed. In any case, it looks like matter is transient – that is, temporary. Something like this can also be expected from illusions. They cannot be eternal. If they were eternal we hardly could then speak of illusions.

Summary: impermanence, blurriness, different identifiability and deception are strong indications of illusions. If all of these indications apply to matter, the answer to the question of real and imaginary can be decided. Because this is indeed true of matter, matter is an illusionary phenomenon. Since everything changeable is an illusion and because time and change are mutually dependent, time is also an illusion. Accordingly, the spatial-temporal separation is also an illusion, just as the perception of this separation is an illusion.