Quantum physics – the 1st gateway to metaphysics.
We are examining our smallest building blocks of matter, which in large numbers e.g. result in our body. One speaks here e.g. of quanta or microcosmic particles. When we talk about particles in our smallest building blocks, we think e.g. on mini balls or on almost punctual structures. One of the most important questions is whether these tiny particles have properties similar to spheres (bullets) that we can manufacture. Or asked differently. Do we find exactly the same properties or laws in this world in both small and large?
To answer this question, there are corresponding experiments in physics as follows. In the macrocosmic area – i.e. in our area of perception – an attempt was made with bullets, which we shoot with a cannon at sand boxes, whereby we bring between them a partition with a slit (see picture 1).

The cannon is swiveled evenly so that the shot bullets reach all areas of the gap (from top to bottom in the picture). Some balls fall through the gap without touching or colliding with the wall and fall straight into a sand box. Some of the balls are deflected by the contact at the edge of the gap and therefore land in sand boxes that are not directly behind the gap. These are fewer balls. Most of the balls, as shown in picture 1, fall into boxes that are directly behind the gap. Such balls, which do not pass through the gap, but hit the intermediate wall next to the gap to bounce away, are not detected at all. An analog test can be done with electrons (see picture 2.).

If we bring electrons in the direction of a luminescent screen in an analogous manner and also place a partition with a gap between them, we will see an identical result. So we determine the same intensity distribution on the luminescent screen as with the balls in the sand boxes. While we find a certain frequency distribution in the sand boxes for the balls, we find a precisely comparable intensity distribution on the luminescent screen for the electrons. This is shown by the purple curve in picture 1 and picture 2, respectively. Here, a higher intensity on the fluorescent screen means that the electrons strike more frequently. In this respect, this identical result leads to the conclusion that the electrons behave like particles (bullets). This result initially confirmed the idea of our world. Everything seemed to behave the same: the small as the large.
Now the same attempt was also made with light quanta. And lo and behold. The same result was obtained here too, which means that the light quanta also behaved like particles. The first question mark appeared. Because when you talk about particles, you think of small balls with mass. Now particles with mass would reach an infinitely large mass according to the general theory of relativity at the speed of light. The energy to get these particles to this speed would be infinite. Therefore, light quanta, because they have the speed of light, must have no mass. But if they have no mass, how can they behave like particles? There has to be more to what these particles are. The further experimental setup provides some more information. It is the same experimental setup but with two slits instead of just one slit (see picture 3).

If we now send electrons or light quanta through a double slit, it would be expected that we would get an overlay of two similar intensity distributions as with one slit. Two obvious image spots should now add up to a single image spot, which would give us a curve like the dashed curve in picture 3. We would get such a curve if we did this experiment with the cannon bullets and if we had two slits instead of one. This is not the case with electrons and light quanta, which is why picture 3 is crossed out in red. Instead, we get a pattern in the determined intensity on the luminescent screen, as shown in picture 4.

We get such a pattern when two waves of water of the same strength and phase overlap. Here we come to the conclusion that the electrons and light quanta suddenly appear like waves. In this respect, electrons and light quanta show both corpuscle and wave properties. In physics this is called the duality of the particles, whereby both properties make the particles a whole. So, one property is one half of reality, like the other property is the another half of reality.
Now, however, we cannot determine both properties (wave and corpuscular properties) on our tiny particles at the same time – and this is now the decisive finding. This depends solely on the experimental setup. We have a similar problem if we want to determine the location and momentum of such a particle. We can either determine its location, but not its impulse. Or we can determine its impulse, but not its location where it had this measured impulse. In both cases, however, we need both quantities that are complementary to each other in order to be able to really describe these particles in their entirety. If we determine one quality or property, the complementary quality or property is smeared (not determinable).
While we find one half of this ‘wholeness’ at a given point in time, the other half is either in the past or in the future. And so the determination of both halves extends over a certain period of time due to the time separation. This period of time may be sufficiently short for one or the other physicist, but it is precisely this tiny little time separation that can decide between reality and illusion. Because only the real momentary state of the NOW, which is a moment without time extension, can be the most current state (= most real state) at all. According to quantum physics, this NOW-state cannot really be defined anywhere, because in NOW the entirety of a physical quantity cannot really be determined.
What we find is beside this not an instantaneous state, but the change in microcosmic particles. As soon as you want to check their actual value (energy) – the current reality – such particles have long since disappeared. If we want to take a closer look at the building blocks in order to be able to grasp (understand) them, we find that only half of them (half reality) can actually be determined. The other half is smeared and slips out of our hands, which is somehow to be expected from illusions.
Now if you come back to Stephen W. Hawking’s thought that you cannot really say whether the material world is a real world or an imaginary one, you can hardly refuse the idea that we are dealing here with illusions. Illusions must be ascertainable, but they must not show themselves in such a way that we can say that they can really be ascertained in their entirety. In other words: Illusions can absolutely exist in terms of energy, but they must not have a current and certainly not constant and precisely definable substance. If their lot is then that they will cease to exist at some point, the term illusion is all the more justified. At least if there should be something beyond them that is permanent (eternal) and in itself of the same kind. We are also investigating this question.
At this point, a not insignificant paradox in the understanding of current quantum physics should be mentioned. We have discussed that the two properties of quantum particles – corpuscle and wave – cannot be measured at the same time. Therefore, we are not dealing with an absolute connection between these two half-measures, because space-time separates them from each other. On the other hand, we are also not dealing with an absolute separation because they obviously have to do with each other. It is as if their properties were neither absolutely separated from each other nor absolutely connected to each other. Kind of paradoxical, isn’t it?
The same is with the particles among themselves. All quantum particles are spatially separated. On the other hand, quantum physics comes to the realization that the whole is in every part. If the whole is in every part, each part must somehow be connected to the whole.
The dilemma of ‘neither being absolutely separated nor being absolutely connected’ can only be resolved through the metaphysical. Because if we view the metaphysical as something really existent, it is logically understandable that the question of separation or connection is ultimately only a question of the point of view. From a purely physical point of view, things would be separated from one another, but connected from a higher (metaphysical) point of view. Furthermore, because the microcosm is indefinite, but the world is definitely determined, the answer must also be found in the metaphysical. In fact, quantum physics is a gateway to metaphysics (first gateway to metaphysics).
Note on the hidden variables and Bell’s inequality. For such photons, which each pass through a polarization filter with different angles, the hidden variable theories predict a different behavior than the quantum theory. This difference, theoretically predicted by J. S. Bell, is called Bell’s inequality. The violation of Bell’s inequality has now been measured for photon pairs. Here, their polarization properties agree with quantum mechanics and are not compatible with the assumption of reality and locality. It should be noted here, however, that the violation of Bell’s inequality only refuted the local hidden variable theories, but not the non-local hidden variable theories, on which e.g. the Bohmian mechanics are based. The Bohmian mechanics make non-local hidden variables possible and does not really refute the assumption of the existence of the metaphysics. The other points speak for its existence.

The nonlinearity of the universe – the 2nd gateway to metaphysics.
For example, the nonlinearity of the universe tells us that the whole is larger than the sum of its parts. The sensually perceptible and physically ascertainable – which we call the physical universe – is the quantity X. However, the universe Z is more:
Z (the whole) = X (the seen) + Y (the unseen).
In this respect, we already have the second gateway to metaphysics with non-linearity.
The realization that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts opens up a connection to and between things and thus a possible view of things (parts) and gives them a possible meaning. A book consisting of letters only makes sense if we link these letters together and make them a story. The book itself doesn’t tell the story. Because it consists of dead letters. It is only by connecting these letters to our minds through an invisible connecting cord that we can knit a living story out of them. The story (= the meaning of the letters) that can be derived from a book is therefore greater than the sum of the letters of this book. Letters (characters) therefore only make sense via the link. Likewise, matter only makes sense through a link. It is related to us and has something to do with us. We are constantly in some relationship with the material world and reflect on it.
So far, in all considerations of physics – unless you mean modern physics, which also deals with the subtle – the quantity Y has been left out. It was pretended that Y (the physically undetectable) did not exist or that Y was negligible.
If you now consider the conceivable possibility that the brane model opens up for physics, we come to a completely different assessment of the X to Y ratio. You can accept or reject this thought. But what is more evident?

The brane model or string theories – the 3rd gateway to metaphysics.
According to the brane model, the universe can be represented as a 10 (11)- dimensional sphere or bubble (Bran), which is filled inside. The visible could be a projection on the surface of this 10 or 11-dimensional bubble, while the inside could be the real thing, as Stephen Hawking put it when he introduced the Brane model:
“… So maybe we think we live in a four-dimensional world because we are shadows cast on the brane by what is happening in the interior of the bubble. …”
Stephen W. Hawking in: universe in a nutshell.
This interior is now filled with energy that eludes our sensible experience and physical perception. In this respect, the brane model of physics is already the third gateway to metaphysics. Even if the brane model of physics can still be seen as speculative, so are string theories. They also represent nothing other than gates to metaphysics. After all, they require a multidimensionality with more than 4 dimensions, which also harbor energies that go beyond the physical, especially since the physical obviously only takes up space in 3 dimensions. If the time is added, there are a maximum of 4 dimensions. The latest findings in physics show that matter only has a 4% share in the universe.
- Matter: approx. 4% (directly detectable)
- Dark matter: approx. 23% (indirectly detectable)
- Dark energy: approx. 73% (indirectly ascertainable)
This already shows that there is more than we can physically determine and perceive sensually, although the proportion of matter in the whole could be much smaller than the latest findings in physics show. The brane model could provide relevant information here. Let us therefore come back to the brane model.
We know that the surface of a sphere has one dimension less than the sphere itself. If the physically visible / ascertainable is now 4-dimensional, the whole is at least 5-dimensional. Accordingly, the 4-dimensional space-time world of the physical universe is virtually a cut of the 5-dimensional universe and thus only a marginal area of the universe as a whole. With its 4 dimensions, it is a kind of projection compared to this 5-dimensional world. In quantitative terms this means that it would be something like a drop in the sea if the inside of the bubble was the sea. Now Y (the unseen) would be much larger than X (the seen). Or in other words, what we perceive would be a trace of the whole (breath of nothning) compared to what is hidden from us.
With the brane model Stephen W. Hawking spoke e.g. of the fact that we could be shadows cast on the brane. Because we can think and are therefore not an illusion (shadow), there is little more the possibility than to say that we have to differentiate between our spirit and our body. Then our spirit would be a non-material energy (the true light), which is capable of targeted guidance and order. Illusions (projections, shadows) would then also be subordinate to the illusionist (visionary, dreaming spirit). Then we would also have to distinguish between the true (pure, nondual) light – the spirit – and the illusionary dual light, such as the sunlight.
The light of the spirit is pure energy, while the sun or candle light is dual energy – that is, it is both a wave and a corpuscle. Because the dual light cannot have both properties at the same time, but does have the potential for both properties, one property must potentially contain the other, which can also be illustrated in the form of the yin-yang principle. For more information on the Yin-Yang system see Tao and Yin Yang.
Can now a microcosmic particle be an absolute wave or/and an absolute corpuscle? If such a particle were absolutely wave and absolutely corpuscle, it would have to have both properties at the same time and at every time, which it does not. However, because such a particle is obviously convertible, its corpuscular property is potentially included in its wave property, as well as its wave property is potentially included in its corpuscular property. So what one property lacks to its absolute is potentially in the other property. Therefore, a microcosmic particle is neither a whole wave nor a whole corpuscle. This also means that microcosmic particles are on the threshold between pure materialism (corpuscle, hard objects) and pure wave dynamics, without being one or the other in the absolute. They therefore point to the higher (hidden, physically imperceptible but available) energies.
Regardless of the circumstances, Y (the unseen) can never be excluded. Because this entity is obviously there. Wouldn’t it be appropriate to at least try to find out more about the entity Y? Spiritual science (metaphysics, religion) offers itself as an antithesis to natural science. It offers many answers to questions that physics cannot answer without metaphysics; especially when asked why? and how?

Based on the purely scientific motive of examining all conceivable ways of achieving true knowledge, it is a must enough to at least listen to spiritual science. Incidentally, modern physics, which researches ether and space energy, is well on the way, although it must be said that the quantum fields that are now required by physics are probably the preliminary stage of ether. The ether is then likely to be a part of the non-local hidden variables that we must demand as existing based on the above considerations. Then it makes sense to say that information about these variables (via the ether) is exchanged between the quanta.