Practice is part of every theory. Since we are dealing with questions of understanding about our existence, the new findings will also have practical consequences. These lead to our self-discovery, which we (mostly) strive for unconsciously. We strive for happiness, health, security, peace, freedom and love. It can be shown that we have only reached these elements when we have found ourselves. Anyone who has practical questions about self-discovery can certainly turn to people who have followed a path of trust in the divine leadership over a longer period of time and have practically swum against the current of the general public. Because those are in my opinion most credible because they have overcome all hurdles. Nevertheless, it should be emphasized that therapeutic accompaniment, by whoever, does not save you the trip to the doctor or pharmacist. On my homepage there are several references to the need for synergy between conventional medicine, alternative healing and spirituality.
General information about therapy and therapeutic support. In the past, the doctor’s question to the patient was mostly: “What are you missing?”. This question is intuitively based on the knowledge that the patient knows it. He just has to remember it so that he can fill in the missing and take hold of the healing. Today the doctor tells the patient what he has. He gives the patient the feeling that the disease symptom is a disease that he has simply. So it is stamped as real and the belief in the disease is strengthened. So how can the patient get the disease symptom away from his body if his thinking is the cause of it and if he is also confirmed that he is correctly perceiving that what he has?
The following treatise on psychotherapy is written based on ‘A Course in Miracles’:
Every therapy is psychotherapy because everything has its origin in the spirit. Psychotherapy aims to become self-reliant, making it clear that only lawful thinking leads to healing and salvation. We rightly think, for example, if we accept our integrity and our connection in spirit. In this respect, psychotherapy teaches nothing more but forgiveness. Psychotherapy applied correctly
- reconciles differences between truth and illusion.
- is a process that changes the perception of the self.
- teaches forgiveness and helps the client to develop his healing power.
- aims to pave the way for truth.
True psychotherapy only pursues the goal of connection. Because only the connection, which is an energetic connection, releases blockages and thus heals. In the lawful use of psychotherapy, therapist and client connect by sharing a goal and losing the feeling of separate interest. Then the healing is effective. Thus, the healing of the client means, as it were, the healing of the therapist, which of course can have a completely different effect on him. The need of my fellow human being is also my need because we are part of each other and ultimately have a common goal. There is no hierarchy of difficulty in healing because there are no real limits to the spirit. True healing strengthens, is constant and always creates harmony.
Wrong therapy aims to get away the suffering, which is based on a certain self-concept, without changing this self-concept. The right therapy teaches what is the cause and what is the effect. If the cause (mental attitude) changes, the effect must also change. Here is the saying of the ancient Roman poet Juvenal: “A healthy mind in a healthy body (mens sana in corpore sano).” But it is not the healthy body that ensures a healthy mind, but the healthy mind is the cause of a healthy body. The healthy body is the effect.
Healthy mind = cause
Healthy body = effect
Sick mind (better: pathologically thinking spirit) = cause
Disease symptom on the body + unfortunate circumstance = effect
Every being has self-healing powers. These self-healing powers need to be mobilized. However, it must be clearly emphasized that the body does not have self-healing powers, as is wrongly assumed. Only the spirit that hides behind the body and all other earthly forms of revelation has these powers. He is this that ensures that the symptoms of the disease disappear on the body or, in the opposite case, also appear.
Note: As explained on the previous page, the body on one side and the spirit on the other cannot really be sick. In this respect, the words ‘healing’ and ‘self-healing’ are misleading in the strict sense. The same aplies to the terms ‘illness, sickness, and so on. Ultimately, they are an expression of the fact that we apply these terms to the body as if it were our identity. However we still use these terms because they are common, but we remember, that the body is an illusion.
It is up to the spirit whether the body is sick or healthy. In this respect, we have to say that everything that contributes to the healing of the body is invested in the spirit by means of the spiritual plan of salvation. The self-healing powers are effective when:
- the learning objective has been worked out.
- when the client/patient is aware of his divinity and also has faith in himself.
- when there is a reconciliation with himself and the world around him.
- when the client/patient has become aware of his own responsibility.
The real therapist does not look at the sick (separating) spirit in the sick but only at the healthy (healing, holy, connecting) spirit, because only the holy spirit is capable of healing.
Jesus was aware of this connection and only ever looked at the healthy spirit in the sick. This enabled him to start the healing process in the patient with the function of a catalyst. The rest was done by the healthy spirit in the sick, whereby the morbidly thinking part of spirit in the ‘sick’ body was brought to healing thinking by his faith. As a result, the symptoms of the disease on the body disappeared. Jesus then said: ‘Your faith has helped you’. Through his positive charisma, his positive thinking and his fame, Jesus certainly made it easy for the sicks to strengthen their faith and to lift their spirit vibrationally so that healing could take place. In this respect, Jesus was not only a catalyst but also a motivator. And so his help was at its maximum.
Similarly, the true therapist tries to strengthen the belief in the client and lead him to the fact that he connects with his healthy spirit and listens to him. Specifically, the therapist tells the client that the answer to his healing lies in himself. Because the true therapist is both a catalyst and a motivator, he only accompanies the healing process. The real therapist himself is not the healer, except for himself.
If the true therapist made diagnoses, he would declare the disease symptom as real, which is wrong. Because it is only a testimony to pathological thinking. Instead, the true therapist tells the client that his health is in him and that he should look for it. Once the client has found his spiritual health, all symptoms of the disease have disappeared.
The search for health in us leads to the finding of the information that we need about our redemption process. This information contains answers to questions such as:
- what problem does the client (sick) really have (more profound problem)?
- what is him missing?
- how can the problem be solved?
- what can the help look like?
- what is to change in thinking?
Possible answers: Maybe the sick or blind eye says that I don’t want to see something that is. Perhaps the intestine says that I can digest some things with difficulty (cannot accept things in peace). Maybe the stomach says that I ‘swallow’ everything and carry it around with me without processing it (= difficult to digest). Maybe the broken bone says that I treat myself and the world too hard. If I don’t meet the hard with softness, I break.
Addition: I thank the relevant organ knowingly that it helps me to find the answer (deeper meaning of ‘love your enemies’).
Once I have found an answer, I draw the appropriate conclusion (nothing changes without changing my thinking). And, a change in thinking automatically also results in a change in action, because action is always preceded by thinking.
As we have seen, we have to completely rethink because now we have to see everything as a teaching unit. Before that, we wanted to push the unpleasant things away from us and pretend that they had little or nothing to do with us. Now we see that there is nothing that has not to do with us. Thereby the therapist has to convey to the client that healing is impossible as long as the client does not reverse his twisted way of looking at the world and his twisted way of looking at himself.